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Ash Rubsam, professionally known as “Double Aye”, is a predominantly multimedia artist originating from Lafayette Indiana, currently pursuing a fine arts degree in Drawing and Illustration at the Herron School of Art and Design. Rubsam takes inspiration from a variety of personal sources, including their upbringing within the Midwest rust belt and their ongoing journey exploring their identity and mental health. Such sources are used to create narrative pieces examining personal experiences and politics, as well as characters who inhabit the pieces. In 2022, Rubsam held his first solo exhibition at the Tippecanoe Arts Federation in Lafayette, titled “Into The Conglomerate”, which used characters, setting, and written passages in order to string together a personal narrative.

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Artist Statement

The main goal of my work is usually to tell some sort of story. Whether it be through character design (one of my favorites), environmental storytelling, symbolism, writing, etc. I’m always looking for new ways to storytell, which often leads me to create multimedia pieces and experiment with new media; often incorporating illustration, oil and acrylic painting, digital elements, and pretty much whatever I can get my hands on. Most of the stories I’m trying to tell incorporate elements from - or are inspired by - a fictional world I began creating as a young child in order to entertain myself, which has subsequently been lingering and evolving for many years. I’m eager to put my world into a physical form for  others to experience, as well as to help me explore my inner self.

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